Whether you are already a clothing minimalist or have just finished sorting and narrowing down your things, getting your closet to a picture-perfect state is the next step! Here are my tips and tricks to get the Pinterest worthy closet you have always dreamed of achieving.
1. Remove all items from your closet that are not clothing/accessories. This could be the stuff that got stashed away when you were tidying up for guests, the extra packaging and gift bags from your last trip to target, or just random keepsakes that you haven’t given a real home yet. (Now is a great time to sweep out/dust/vacuum your closet!)
2. If you have sentimental clothing items that you won’t wear (an old jersey or school uniform for example); hang them in a place of honor. This could either be in your closet or with other keepsake items, so that you can appreciate them, and they are not hidden away, just taking up space. If they are not something you enjoy reminiscing over frequently, maybe it is time to get rid of them.
3. Sort your clothing by category and hang like items together (short sleeve shirts, pants, dresses, skirts) and create piles for items you cannot or prefer not to hang (bags, accessories, swimsuits, t-shirts)
4. Get rid of dry cleaner bags, hangers or any other “trash”. The wire dry cleaning hangers can be returned to most dry cleaners to be recycled/reused.
5. Swap out hangers for a matching set. Here is the kind I use in my closet: https://amzn.to/3wRWWj4 . Not only does the uniform look make the closet look more cohesive, but they are thin, so more items can fit and the velvet prevents slippery materials from slipping. Color coordinating your items will also give a more “boutique” look.
6. If your closet has shelves, plan the space to contain your non-hanging items. For folded clothing, a shelf divider prevents your stacks from falling over. Here is one for wire shelves: https://amzn.to/4bRdp6t and one for wooden or otherwise “solid” shelves: https://amzn.to/4bTEcOW These can also be used between bags/purses to keep them upright, or for smaller clutches, you can use these: https://amzn.to/4ed1G3J . If your closet has some height to it, be sure to use the space wisely, by putting items that are out of season or less frequently used in the harder to reach areas. If necessary, LABEL these items, so that you don’t forget what is contained out of reach.
7. For shoes, a hanging rack like this: https://amzn.to/4aE9JTV could hang on the door to save floor space, or depending on the number of shoes you are storing and the size of your closet, something like this may be a better fit: https://amzn.to/4bAWcOp
8. Another option for purses is to hang them. I love these acrylic purse hangers, and they also work great for long necklaces or other hanging accessories: https://amzn.to/4e20QGA
9. If your closet has drawers, these drawer dividers are great for file folded clothes to stay in their place, even as the drawer is no longer full: https://amzn.to/3WVVG9f Make sure that anything else you decide to keep in the closet is contained. There are numerous options for bins and totes that fit your style and needs. Some people prefer a clear front like these: https://amzn.to/4dWP2FI while others prefer to have things “hidden” like these: https://amzn.to/3Vfs05z The key, however, is to use something that makes sense for you and works with your lifestyle. This also goes for dirty clothes. Having a decent sized hamper, whether hidden away or if necessary, out in the open, will make your space look more orderly and prevent clothes in transition from piling up. Be sure to MEASURE your space before buying anything.
10. As a final tip, keep a bag or box nearby to have a place for items you decide no longer suit you, are damaged, or for some other reason you will no longer wear. Once it is full, get rid of it immediately! By continuously editing your items, you will be able to maintain your newly organized closet more easily!